The following are basic FAQs concerning the operation and implementation of EnterpriseBACKUP. Regular and Demo customers have access to many more at support.i-s-e.com.
FAQ# Description
104 How do I use EnterpriseSCHEDULE with my backup jobs?
105 Can you run EnterpriseBACKUP concurrently on different machines with different OpenVMS versions?
114 Does Storage Works work with Media?
120 Will my device(s) work with Media?
126 Can I use stackers or jukebox devices in Media and to run backups?
127 Can I backup remote OpenVMS devices?
130 Is there a limited tryout period for the demo?
131 Can I maintain reports on my offsite tapes, available tapes and tapes assigned to backup jobs?
132 Does Media support offsite media?
134 Can I automate when my backups run?
135 Can I have my backup request the required tape(s) before quitting time, and then begin the backup later that evening?
136 Do you need separate database support like Oracle or Sybase?
137 Can you share the database across machines and/or clusters?
138 How difficult is installing Media?
139 Does Media work with Multinet?
141 How does EnterpriseBACKUP fit into my company's individual structure and corporate model?